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The Economist Redesign Does It Right

It’s been decades since one of the oldest news magazines in the world has looked different. That all changed in October when The Economist...

Monthly Web Development Update 10/2018: The Hurricane Web, End-To-End-Integrity, And RAIL

Monthly Web Development Update 10/2018: The Hurricane Web, End-To-End-Integrity, And RAILMonthly Web Development Update 10/2018: The Hurricane Web, End-To-End-Integrity, And RAIL Anselm Hannemann 2018-10-19T15:19:58+02:002018-10-30T14:13:13+00:00With the latest studies and official reports out t..

Splicing HTML’s DNA With CSS Attribute Selectors

Splicing HTML’s DNA With CSS Attribute SelectorsSplicing HTML’s DNA With CSS Attribute Selectors John Rhea 2018-10-23T14:00:11+02:002018-10-30T14:13:13+00:00For most of my career, attribute selectors have been more magic than science. I’d stare, gobsmacked, at the CSS for outputting a link in a ..

Video Playback On The Web: The Current State Of Video (Part 1)

Video Playback On The Web: The Current State Of Video (Part 1)Video Playback On The Web: The Current State Of Video (Part 1) Doug Sillars 2018-10-24T13:30:24+02:002018-10-30T14:13:13+00:00Usage of video on the web is increasing as devices and networks become faster and more capable of handling v..

Video Playback On The Web: Video Delivery Best Practices (Part 2)

Video Playback On The Web: Video Delivery Best Practices (Part 2)Video Playback On The Web: Video Delivery Best Practices (Part 2) Doug Sillars 2018-10-25T14:40:24+02:002018-10-30T14:13:13+00:00In my previous post, I examined video trends on the web today, using data from the HTTP Archive. I fou..

Headless WordPress: The Ups And Downs Of Creating A Decoupled WordPress

Headless WordPress: The Ups And Downs Of Creating A Decoupled WordPressHeadless WordPress: The Ups And Downs Of Creating A Decoupled WordPress Denis Žoljom 2018-10-26T13:45:46+02:002018-10-30T14:13:13+00:00WordPress came a long way from its start as a simple blog writing tool. A long 15 years la..

The CSS Working Group At TPAC: What’s New In CSS?

The CSS Working Group At TPAC: What’s New In CSS?The CSS Working Group At TPAC: What’s New In CSS? Rachel Andrew 2018-10-26T22:30:30+02:002018-10-30T14:13:13+00:00Last week, I attended W3C TPAC as well as the CSS Working Group meeting there. Various changes were made to specifications, and discu..

Measuring Performance With Server Timing

Measuring Performance With Server TimingMeasuring Performance With Server Timing Drew McLellan 2018-10-30T03:40:14+02:002018-10-30T14:13:13+00:00When undertaking any sort of performance optimisation work, one of the very first things we learn is that before you can improve performance you must f..

Storyboarding vs. Prototyping: When to Use Each

Prototyping is a multi-disciplinary activity, spanning across digital design, industrial design and everything in between. Whilst being precursors to the end product, prototypes may vary in fidelity. This article will look at digital prototyping, providing guidelines you can use to determine when you should and shouldn’t build one.

Ten Tips On Typography in Web Design

Communication plays a vital role in design — it’s essential to establish a clear connection between the website and user and to help your users accomplish their goals. When we talk about communication in web design context, we usually mean text. Typography plays a vital role in this process:
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