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How 40 European E-commerce Websites Handle Forms on Mobile

You're reading How 40 European E-commerce Websites Handle Forms on Mobile, originally posted on Designmodo. If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google+! I won’t surprise if we tell you that European e-commerce market is hot and that …

How Great Icons Can Affect The User Experience

You're reading How Great Icons Can Affect The User Experience, originally posted on Designmodo. If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google+! Interfaces are all about communication and getting things done. A website’s UI is a means …

The Ultimate UX Design of: the Credit Card Payment Form

You're reading The Ultimate UX Design of: the Credit Card Payment Form, originally posted on Designmodo. If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google+! The Peak Point of eCommerce and SaaS – the Credit Card Payment Form If you’re …

Best Practices of Hotel Website UX Design

You're reading Best Practices of Hotel Website UX Design, originally posted on Designmodo. If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google+! User experience is an integral part of any website design and there is no doubt …

What do 1980s concept cars and 2000s cell phones have in common?

We were promised cyberpunk and we got The Time Machine.In the early 2000s, Popular Science ran an article about the upcoming Rocket Racing League. The name pretty much said it all. Rocket-powered planes would duke it out in a closed circuit that required them to engage in high-speed aerobatic maneuv..

Why Content Strategy and UX Must Work Together

Content strategy has been superior in marketing departments for decades. However, the importance of content strategy in UX design has surfaced just a few years ago. The experts realized that you can’t impress with the design if the content is not impressive as well. I curated some important points w..

Using Feature Detection, Conditionals, and Groups with Selectors

CSS is designed in a way that allows for relatively seamless addition of new features. Since the dawn of the language, specifications have required browsers to gracefully ignore any properties, values, selectors, or at-rules they do not support. Consequently, in most cases, it is possible to success..

Dealing with Dependencies Inside Design Systems

Dependencies in JavaScript are pretty straightforward. I can't write library.doThing() unless library exists. If library changes in some fundamental way, things break and hopefully our tests catch it. Dependencies in CSS can be a bit more abstract. Robin just wrote in our newsletter how the st..

No Good, Very Bad UX Writing Mistakes

People do read on the Internet, despite popular dogma. Imagine a digital product with zero words — we’d all be asking, “What does this button do?” and “How the heck do I find what I’m looking for?” Ex: Facebook with no wordsYou could accidentally buy 10,000 pairs of old socks or delete an entire dat..

Free Online Marketing & SEO Icon Set (50 Icons, PNG & SVG)

We have a fantastic freebie for all you marketers out there! Created by our friends Freepik, we have an amazing Marketing & SEO icon set for you. There are 50 beautifully illustrated icons in the set, they’re all totally scalable and infinitely editable, and within the download package, you will fi..
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