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Driving to the desert to look at a rock — a UX case study

Photo courtesy of Patrick Leitz/ShutterstockSince beginning UX bootcamp five weeks ago, I have been frequently reminded that the third project in the General Assembly course is the hardest one, by far. Instructors, course graduates, and fellow students further along in their programs have all said t..

What I learned while being a Product Designer Intern at Startup

What I learned while being a product designer at a startupYeah, it’s about Design, of course, and a bit of myself.“Stay hungry, stay foolish” — Steve Jobs.Greetings, fellow seekers of truth! This is my first post here, on Medium, and first blog post in my entire life, wow. I was always interested in..

Weekly News for Designers

A guide to color accessibility in product design – Tips for ensuring the use of accessible color combinations. Google’s Dominance on the Web, 20 Years In – The behemoth’s rise has led to ethical and regulatory questions. md.html – Create HTML pages using only markdown. Rams, a Documentary Portrai..

Medium’s website architecture is stifling for fledgling writers

Your ideas might matter, but they matter a lot more if you have followers or connections I’ve put 4,000+ hours into indie game development, an industry where most projects fail. So entering the world of Medium, I was no stranger to the challenges and tribulations that come with freelance content cre..

The problem with abundance

Since the past couple of times, whenever I have logged into Netflix to watch a show or a movie, I have ended up browsing through their endless catalogue for hours without arriving at a conclusion. After speaking to a few friends, I realised that this isn’t a dilemma faced only by me. There are so ma..

10 must-have UX skills that will guarantee you land your dream job

The profession we now know as user experience design has emerged relatively recently, although it has existed for a long time it wasn’t well defined. It’s one with hard-to-define skills needed to master it. People from various backgrounds work in this field: visual designers, psychologists, develope..

25+ Best Monogram Fonts

Creating a monogram is a popular design practice for logos, badges, signage, insignias, and signatures (it actually dates back to the early 350BC!). If you’re working on a monogram design, this collection of monogram fonts and typography is a helpful starting point! Many brands, products, and busin..

UX portfolio teardown: Real portfolio example that secured internships at Google and Microsoft

Google officesYou may have seen a number of UX portfolio examples online but are still not sure what makes them work? Is it the colors, the layout or the type of projects? I am starting a series on UX and UI portfolio teardowns that you might benefit from in order to ultimately get a job. We will ta..

You have been using “affordances” wrong

If I had a penny for every time I dropped the word “affordance” when pleading a case to a client to a peer I’d be pretty well off. But, If you are like me you’re probably using it wrong… Can you identify which elements are affordances?The answer is none. I will get to why in a bit. The term affordan..

15 Ways to Customize WordPress Without Touching PHP

WordPress powers 31% of the internet’s websites and offers website owners the power to create any kind of site they want. Adding to that, developers in the WordPress community have dedicated their time to creating plugins that people can use on their WordPress websites to extend the design, structu..
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