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Enthusiasm Should Trump Experience

Have you ever been interviewed for a role only to be told that the successful candidate was a better match? That they got the job because their current role was more aligned with the vacancy on offer? All too often employers opt for the candidate that has being performing a similar role in their exi..

Made Redundant as a UXer. What do I do now?

Oh poo, I’ve been made redundant! What do I do now? This was the challenge I faced and I know I’m not alone. I was the grateful recipient of my first ever redundancy package when I last starting asking myself this question, what do I do now? I am also blessed with an understanding wife, who wanted m..

When Designers Fight With Each Other 

Ever been a situation when there is a clash of opinion on a design? It could be something simple like the background colour of navigation or something more fundamental such as the sequence of steps that a user is intended to follow. Sometimes it’s hard to let go of what you think or to remain comple..

The Four Types of UX Leadership

UXswitch.com spoke to Cory Lebson about his extraordinary experience of UX leadership. If you had asked me early on in my UX career where I was headed professionally, I likely would have told you that I aspired towards leadership. That is, leadership that occurred in the workplace and involved the m..

Using Twitter to Help you Find a Better UX Job

UXswitch.com spoke exclusively to Mike Joosse, Community Director at Designation LABS about how a good Twitter profile can set you apart from other designers and improve your chances of getting the job you want Introduction Near the end of the program at DESIGNATION, I give a very important piece of..

How Human Centred Design Helps Recruiters Like Me

UXswitch spoke exclusively to Edward Conmy, Managing Director of RattleBerry.co about how human centred design can make for better candidate experiences and more successful recruitment agencies. — I own and run a specialist recruitment business. It’s called Rattleberry. The sweet spot for us is hi..

Meet the New Sponsors of UXswitch

UXswitch is delighted to welcome two new sponsors for our UX career platform. Zalando will sponsor our unique job board whereas Designation.io will sponsor our Career Advice Centre. Together we are planning a range of exciting activities over the coming months; from creating a competition for design..

How the Daily UI Design Challenge Helped me to Become a Better Designer

UXswitch.com spoke exclusively to Zsolt Szilvai at UXstudio about doing the awesome and daunting 100 Day UI Challenge. — Is a design challenge a waste of time or is it really worth it? I started the daily design challenge because I wanted to do some visual exercises to polish my aesthetic skills an..

Will UX Designers Become Obsolete?

Ever wondered whether or not you’ll be in UX for your entire life? What happens when you pass forty and then fifty, could there be sixty year-old UX designers? Will the discipline even exist in say 2040 and if not, how will you make a living? Here are the pervasive concerns we have uncovered and th..

Polite Persistence Might Just Get You That Job

Jay Kaufmann talks exclusively to UXswitch about how job applicants can increase their chances of getting the job with a simple and meaningful follow up. Current Practice Job applicants these days often seem to throw their application over the wall and forget about it. It’s understandable, since si..
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