How I Used the WAAPI to Build an Animation Library
The Web Animations API lets us construct animations and control their playback with JavaScript. The API opens the browser’s animation engine to developers and was designed to underlie implementations of both CSS animations and transitions, leaving the door open to future animation effects. It is one..
The Importance of Storytelling in Design
Several years ago, I worked as an in-house copywriter and designer for a prominent marketing firm. When I first applied for the job I didn’t have any of the credentials my employers were looking for, and yet I got the job anyway, out of a pool of more qualified competitors. Why did I get chosen? The..
Detect Unused Classes in… HTML
Usually, when “unused” comes up in conversation regarding CSS, it’s about removing chunks of CSS that are not used in your site or, at least, the styles not currently in use on a specific page. The minimal amount of CSS is best! I’ve written about how this is a hard problem in the past. In JavaScrip..
Media Queries in Times of @container
Max Böck took me up on my challenge to look through a codebase and see how many of the @media queries could ultimately become @container queries.
I took the bait and had a look at some of my projects – and yes, most of what I use @media for today can probably be accomplished by @container at some p..
New UX Research Study on Native Mobile Apps
(Note: Unfortunately, e-mail and RSS don’t support advanced layouts and features. If the graphics in this article look strange, you may want to read the article in your web browser.)
Key Takeaways
Our extensive native mobile app usability testing verified that 98% of product-finding guidelines for mobile websites also apply to native mobile apps
342 native mobile app guidelines were identified that inform the UX design of mobile apps
Quantitative data on native mobile app and mobile site usage rates indicate that users are more likely to use a mobile site than the corresponding mobile app for purchasing
While there are differences between mobile sites and mobile apps, these are minimal and largely confined to specific, minor UI variations
At Baymard our research team has spent over 800 hours usability testing and researching native mobile apps for e-commerce.
This Mobile Apps UX research is based on more than 200 qualitative user/app usability test sessions following the “Think..
Just How Niche is Headless WordPress?
I wonder where headless WordPress will land. And by “headless” I mean only using the WordPress admin and building out the user-facing site through the WordPress REST API rather than the traditional WordPress theme structure.
Is it… big? The future of WordPress? Or relatively niche?
Where’s the dem..
Exploring the Use of Sticky Vertical Navigation in Web Design
Navigation in website design typically only includes the same basic menu items, modestly sit in the header, and always greets the viewer from the outset. Since the popularization of the hamburger button, nothing earth-shattering has happened in navigation design.
But some web designers have dared t..
Making Tables With Sticky Header and Footers Got a Bit Easier
It wasn’t long ago when I looked at sticky headers and footers in HTML s in the blog post A table with both a sticky header and a sticky first column. In it, I never used position: sticky on any , , or