5 examples of perfect UX design

Learn from the best Continue reading on UX Collective »

Search with typo tolerance

Surprise your users with a typo-tolerant search. Let them know that you care about them and you’ll try to do your best to show some results.Everyone makes mistakes. That’s why undo/redo is a must-have for interfaces where you work on something. That’s why we add extra padding around clickable elemen..

5 ways to improve your design solution before handoff

Practical steps to increase your company’s chance to succeed and save your teams’ time.Making bad decisions in your design could be very expensive for the company. One bad decision could mean your entire team worked on a feature that would need another iteration or a complete removal soon. This is w..

Designing an admin panel

What is a good admin panel design and is it worth your time? Continue reading on UX Collective »

Unknown unknowns: Targeted learning for a new product manager

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on UnsplashS o you’re a new Product Manager at a company. You’re excited about the opportunity but you’ve just received the third customer request this month for changes to form functionality that was released six months ago. The form was kept purposefully simple so that it co..

Observed tensions in the user experience design field progression

Observed tensions in the user experience career progressionI’ve met user experience designers that are happy doing what they love with a strong sense of mission to change the world. I've also seen many of us going through an existential identity crisis with comparable intensity due to the vague..

I Designed a New Year’s Resolution App Inspired by Atomic Habits

I designed a better way to track habits and achieve goals Continue reading on UX Collective »