Why my mom should replace judges of design awards

Toddler explaining their mother how to use a tablet — Photo by Alexander Dummer on UnsplashI am fascinated by the winners on award websites that judge the UI of products and the realizations that are digital pieces of art. Professional designers assess several submissions and rate them on several cr..

How to make sure your audience understands your visualization

User test to see if your message is understood Continue reading on UX Collective »

The big paradox of productivity

Design Leadership SeriesProductivity illustration courtesy of upklay.Productivity ≠ SpeedThere is a lot of rhetoric around productivity, particularly during the current climate. Whether we lead designers, engineers or product people, we’re all likely governed by the same overriding drive to nurture ..

The COVID-driven comeback of the desktop computer

With more and more of us working from home and engaging in virtual learning, the lowly PC is suddenly a hot product again today Continue reading on UX Collective »

Do we need a new approach for designing with AI?

Networked technology has networked effects. These effects are often intangibly and recursively amplified through a system when machine learning is in use. Does human-centered design still make sense when we’re designing for AI?This post considers some of the limitations of Human Centered Design for ..

How to kick-off Discovery Sprints, reframe a problem and align your team

Empower Agile teams to build the right thing.In my job as Product & Service Designer at the experience agency Accenture Interactive, I'm working on new product and service innovations for our clients. In some projects I can dedicate several weeks for user research, iterating on a value proposit..

Finding a technical cofounder

Coding skills aren’t as important as you think Continue reading on UX Collective »