So long Adobe Flash, thanks for all the loaders

On the 31st December, 00:00 Adobe discontinued support for the flash player. This story is my personal account of Flash and my experience… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Speed techniques to help you design faster

Speed design techniques — the basics. Continue reading on UX Collective »

3 principles of inclusive design and why it matters

Designing for all.Source: Billy Clark on DribbbleInclusive Design is a design practice where products and services are designed in a way that they are accessible and can serve as many people as possible, regardless of their age, gender, or ability. Inclusive Design puts people at the centre stage of..

Is it time we start designing for deviant users?

Enter the UX Risk Designer Continue reading on UX Collective »

WhatsApp privacy update fiasco: How things could have gone better

What went wrong, and how it could have been better. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Can you quantify confidence?

The value of holistic data Continue reading on UX Collective »

Design tokens 101

Web developers used to hard-code all of their style data. If a button needed a background color of blue, they’d assign the background… Continue reading on UX Collective »

A rant and a wishlist for ed-tech in India

Re-imagining EducationQuality Education is a service design problem.Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels(This article was “written in public”. After a skeleton draft was posted on LinkedIn and Twitter seeking feedback, the attributed responses below were used to further refine and add to the key tak..

Enterprise UX is amazing. Change my mind.

Why this under-represented but widespread design field comes with lots of unique and interesting challenges.As promised, here is a follow-up piece to my previous post — Part 1: The differences between enterprise and consumer UX. This follow-up is a bit less objective and instead, deeply rooted in my..

Prototyping the iOS navigation bar in ProtoPie

This tutorial explains how to prototype the default iOS top navigation bar in ProtoPie, so that it shrinks when scrolling. Continue reading on UX Collective »