Interfaces in the 80s: Creating GUIs before it was cool

Exploring an interface design tool from the late 1980s which silently revolutionized the industry forever since.Recently I was going through some early implementations of current operating systems to familiarize myself with the evolution of GUI mechanics over time. One particular thing that caught m..

Why my mom should replace judges of design awards

Toddler explaining their mother how to use a tablet — Photo by Alexander Dummer on UnsplashI am fascinated by the winners on award websites that judge the UI of products and the realizations that are digital pieces of art. Professional designers assess several submissions and rate them on several cr..

The A to Z of UX — H is for Heuristics: 10 UX principles to assess...

Heuristics are a well established and accepted list of UX principles used to assess how well a user interface has been designed for its… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Accessibility starter kit for designers

Illustration by Valerija TraneIn my previous article, I tapped in the idea of how “Digital Accessibility” is another word for “empathy” where I laid out the moral behind the emerging and quite popular “digital accessibility” trend. After establishing the vision and possibly answering some “why”s I w..

UX Psychology #3: how Tesler’s Law makes your designs fail

Every UX has an amount of complexity you cannot play withPeople hate redesigns. Unless the original work is terribad, chances are the new version will be stomped even if it’s remarkably better. Snapchat learned it the hard way back in 2018 after a major redesign that burned 35% of their revenue. Alt..

The public speaking side quest

Have you ever considered sharing your experience or knowledge with complete strangers?What I love about the design and tech community, is that people mostly say yes to this question. There is a sense of giving back to the community, almost like a rite of passage in one’s professional journey. But li..

How to make sure your audience understands your visualization

User test to see if your message is understood Continue reading on UX Collective »

The big paradox of productivity

Design Leadership SeriesProductivity illustration courtesy of upklay.Productivity ≠ SpeedThere is a lot of rhetoric around productivity, particularly during the current climate. Whether we lead designers, engineers or product people, we’re all likely governed by the same overriding drive to nurture ..

The COVID-driven comeback of the desktop computer

With more and more of us working from home and engaging in virtual learning, the lowly PC is suddenly a hot product again today Continue reading on UX Collective »

Process can’t compensate for lack of design vision.

— 100 design lessons for 2021 Process can’t compensate for lack of design vision. was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.