UX and Human Factors: How to use psychology to empower the user

Co-Authors: Cat Hodges and Kay Stanney Human Factors within User Experience DesignUser Experience (UX) is an extensive interdisciplinary field that encompasses many aspects of design and engineering. When you hear the term “UX,” you may relate it only to applications and software, but it’s actually ..

How to manage stakeholders in your project

Who are the stakeholders and how to manage the collaboration with them? Continue reading on UX Collective »

UX professionals, the fight against systemic racial injustice can’t just stop at “diverse” hiring

The hard truth is that the reason why it doesn’t feel like it is enough is because it will never be enough. Continue reading on UX Collective »

How to make complex interactive buttons in Figma in 3 steps

Uncovering some “Hacks” to take your Figma prototyping to the next level. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The UX of Overcooked: From umami to unexpected design principles

Finding behavioural truth, engagement, and optimal user experiences in unexpected places. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Adopting a reflective practice

How I catalogue my learning to grow as a practitionerCatalogued learnings from MiroI’m one of those people that can’t sleep until the thoughts floating around in my head are either written down or sketched out. I used to see this as a negative thing, like an obsession to think through all possible s..

Gamification in betting -is it a thing?

Gamification in betting —is it a thing?BetBull widely uses gamification within its productHow many times in the last few months have you been in a meeting where gamification was brought up? In the UK the term gamification has become increasingly more popular in the last few years, so it is safe to s..

Creating invisible experiences

As a young designer, I would always be extremely stoked to see my designs in action. I’d put in hours and hours into creating pixel-perfect prototypes filled with wonderful micro-interactions. I’d make sure every icon was animated to perfection and the timing was not off by even a millisecond. I too..

A retrospective of incorporating nostalgia in design

No rose-tinted glasses for me.In the world of design, originality is a desirable and highly respected trait in the byproducts of the creative process but is admittedly a difficult feat. So why go through all the trouble, when you can “borrow” ideas that have worked from the past and do it again? It ..