A Beginner’s Guide to Voice UX Prototyping

You're reading A Beginner’s Guide to Voice UX Prototyping, originally posted on Designmodo. If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google+! As voice technology becomes more and more prominent, we’ll need to design more and more …

How to Improve Customer Loyalty through User Experience

You're reading How to Improve Customer Loyalty through User Experience, originally posted on Designmodo. If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google+! When you establish a bond of trust between a company and its customers, you forge …

Adding WordPress Plugins to Your Development Workflow

Web designers often have a collection of favorite tools to help get things done more efficiently. Whether it’s a graphics program, a code editor or a framework – we all have our mainstays. WordPress is also present in many a designer’s toolbox. We often talk about how the CMS makes our jobs easier...

10 Free Tools and Apps for Optimizing Images

In our never-ending quest to create websites that are as lightweight as possible, image optimization plays an important role. Poorly optimized images not only increase load time, they also take up precious bandwidth from both users and networks alike. Larger websites with copious amounts of images ..

Enthusiasm Should Trump Experience

Have you ever been interviewed for a role only to be told that the successful candidate was a better match? That they got the job because their current role was more aligned with the vacancy on offer? All too often employers opt for the candidate that has being performing a similar role in their exi..

The Things I Don’t Know Give Me Comfort

At a meeting the other day, a client painted a verbal Euler diagram of two sets: what he knows he doesn’t know, and what he doesn’t know he doesn’t know. He spoke of the former set as a more fathomable space, given its finite nature. I, however, got to thinking how both of these sets, or rather, th..

Beyond the Buzz

Brand identity has never had it so good. Especially here and now, in India. Everyone, and their competition wants one. Big pitches, passionate presentations. Round one, two and three. International studios, Indian studios. Big agencies, small studios. Brand launches and videos, brand bibles and baub..

Axure – The Ultimate Pros and Cons

UXswitch spoke exclusively to UI designer Orla Walsh from strategic design firm Frontend.com about the organisation’s heavy duty use of Axure. We learn that there are so many reasons to use Axure for prototyping but also a number of key drawbacks you need to be aware of. — If you want to spark a de..