Thinking beyond human-centered design

An invitation inspired by The Social Dilemma Continue reading on UX Collective »

Designing for climate change

I’ve been writing, speaking, and practicing Behavioral Design for over a decade, focusing on climate. Lately, as more and more people in… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Gutenberg & modern-day UX

How a 15th-century German goldsmith had laid the path of modern-day UX practice and philosophies.Collage by authorWell, a lot of you might be wondering what Gutenburg has to do with UX! Yes, he invented the press — which had changed the world; but was there any concept of the idea of UX back then? D..

How to make the best product decisions based on thousands of user inputs

TL;DRManaging incoming feature requests and other insights is hardStructuring this data the right way helps you utilize this valuable informationNot every structure works, you have to focus on the problems instead of the solutionsIt’s rewarding because it will help you plan the product roadmap and f..

Unsplash: Where are all the women?

As a UX designer, I am often tasked with making user personas to better understand a target audience for a product or service. For this particular client, I was working with, they told me their core user group were women age fifty and older. I was surprised, this demographic is often overlooked in t..

Figma for education: Design for learning experiences

Why would a teacher be interested in Figma? Why would a designer be interested in classroom prep?Join our little Figgy educators group.Currently, I work in the EdTech product design industry (K-12) as an experience designer. I am a former 7th-grade science teacher and am planning to return to the cl..

Digital design for the ‘in-between’

The future of Aldo van Eyck’s revolutionary thinking?Aldo van Eyck’s climbing dome and floating modal (image by author).⁶Having recently moved to Amsterdam, one of the aspects of the city that has stood out the most for me is not the canals, red light district or even the masses of weed dispensaries..

The gestalt principle of proximity — in action

The gestalt principle of proximity — in actionProximity guides user attention and organises elements into groupsAccording to gestalt psychology, we need to organise what we see to make sense of the world. Without using patterns to order out vision, we would overwhelm our brain. The gestalt psycholog..

Accessibility: a matter of big bucks and smart business decisions

Close up picture of a surprised middle-aged latin man with sunglasses, surrounded by heaps of $100 bills.As someone who’s been tirelessly advocating for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the digital space for over 20 years, I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve had to explain to peo..

Why is it so hard to break into UX?

Strategies to help you land your dream job. Continue reading on UX Collective »