How to set up a writing practice for your design team

Even if you don’t have any writers.icons8To design products, you have to write. But I’m not here to convince you. The remaining skeptics shuttered their windows after Intercom’s Senior Group Design Manager Jonathon Colman published a study showing how the world’s most popular apps dedicate over a th..

What next for Sketch?

Sketch successfully took down Photoshop for UI Designers, but has it done enough since then? Continue reading on UX Collective »

Aurora UI — new visual trend for 2021

Blurred, organic gradient backgrounds are going to be a thing this year. Continue reading on UX Collective »

What this pandemic has taught us about your inaccessible website…

Do you ever stop to wonder what your life would look like if, all of a sudden, the Internet was taken away from you? Continue reading on UX Collective »

The Emoji journey: From self-expression tool to multi-million dollar business

Emojis, memojis, avatars. Here’s how they evolved and still make millions to their creators. Continue reading on UX Collective »

A gentle rant about the usability of user accounts

I am often underwhelmed and decidedly un-delighted when faced with managing my account on your site. Here’s how to make it better. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Portugal by Sebastião Rodrigues’ pencil

A journey that merges with the country’s history© Tamanna RumeeThe recent history of design in Portugal in general and graphic design, in particular, is certainly still to be written. In other words, it is a story that is written every day, thanks to the work, often in difficult contexts, of thousan..

Can we make Pantone’s color of the year more accessible?

A lot of people seem to want to play with the Pantone 2021 colors of the year. Note that they can have an impact on accessibility on the… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Usability tests don’t have to be a horror movie

It’s easier than it seems to test with users.© Stefano PollioThe importance in the area of ​​user experience (UX) of testing the solutions of each digital product through usability tests is today absolutely undeniable. Whether due to the increasing complexity of these digital products, their adaptat..

How to prioritize features and build a roadmap for B2B products

Creating a replicable process using popular frameworks for B2B products. Continue reading on UX Collective »