Stop asking your users what they want

Four simple tricks to improve the quality of your user interview questions Continue reading on UX Collective »

It’s time we say goodbye to pixel units

Why responsive and accessible websites don’t really need ‘em.Photo by Sigmund on UnsplashIf you design or develop websites, do not use px units. Absolute units (px, in, mm, cm, pt, and pc) are as bad for accessibility and responsive design as using tables for layout. Of all the available absolute un..

4 ways Figma has transformed our design team

This article was originally published at Stream on Jan. 26, 2021. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Applying the Panofsky method to your own design

If you are unfamiliar with the Panofsky method it comes from Erwin Panofsky, a German art historian who in 1932 looked into the study of… Continue reading on UX Collective »

How video game UX can bridge the gap between players and the game

User Interfaces exist as a layer between the player and the game. As a UX/UI designer, the goal is to build a bridge that the player can cross. One which links the real world — a controller, a mouse, a touch screen — to the abstract and complex mechanics of a game.What do these two games have in com..

How to estimate design work

You can tell easily how much a car costs just by looking at the price tag. But what is the cost of producing that car? Or, how much did it cost to design that specific car, so it can withstand competition for at least one product lifecycle, be reliable, meet safety and brand standards, customer dema..

What should we do about public touch screens in the Covid era?

They need a rethink.Photo by Gabby K from PexelsYuck!Though they were probably always a bit unsanitary, during the Covid-19 crisis (I like to call it the Covidian) using any interface that was inherently communal became a not-so-great idea. While research seems to show that the virus doesn’t live lo..

5 observation about UX from 2020

Observations from working in UX from the past year. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The designer’s ironic obsession with big tech companies.

I get it. There’s a certain aura and mystique centred around these companies. Continue reading on UX Collective »