Talking trash: A father’s primer on paternalism in design

Real-world talk about the importance of a designer’s own awareness as told by a humbled dad-designer. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Let’s stop talking about Product and start talking about Service Design?

We are 20 years into the 21st century already, but it seems that the last century has not yet left us. And I’m not talking about the fashion of always reliving some past decade to launch “aesthetic and artistic reinterpretations”. I’m talking about the fear of the unknown, about the world where we w..

Defining your design system and content system rules

Let your design community shape and strengthen your systems.Getting the design and content teams in your company engaged in your design system is key to its success. Here’s a framework that helps you get your design community onboard early, when you and your team are defining the system and its stan..

Social media for the people

How elected officials can better communicate with all of their constituents online Continue reading on UX Collective »

A hill to die on

When do we stand up in a design review, present our case, and say “this is a hill I’m willing to die on”?Photo by Mike Erskine on UnsplashI love to talk about designing with constraints. So much of the life of a UX professional is evaluating and compromising technical limitations, time limitations, ..

Conducting design research for startups

Here’s what you need to know about conducting design research for an early-stage startup. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Code concepts for designers: Authentication & authorization

What is Auth?Those of us who don’t spend our days writing code often think of logging in to an application as one simple, bundled process of declaring who we are with our user ID and password. Behind the scenes, there are actually two important, independent components at play: authentication and aut..

A case for radical empathy in product design

Practicing radical empathy in product designAcknowledge your own lens and bias as the first step in empathy building for the customer. This will lead to deeper human connections and ultimately products that solve the needs of everyone.Image by Anna Shvets on PexelsEmpathy is the foundation of buildi..

Misused products, Robinhood UX, is Framer dead?

Your weekly list of curated design resources, brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective.There is a portion of the American legal system under the category of negligence called “strict product liability,” also referred to as SPL. Under SPL, anyone in the product chain (seller, distributor, ..

Analyzing TikTok’s biggest competitor’s UX

Today I’ll be translating TikTok’s biggest competitor, RED App, to show you what might be coming to the US from the eyes of a designer. Continue reading on UX Collective »