It’s time we stop lying to users; here’s what to do instead

Lying about having chat support. Automatic pop-ups. And more. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The future of (online) shopping

Getty ImagesYou and I have shopped online a ton during the coronavirus pandemic, and some of those habits will stick. At the same time, new technologies are continuously being developed to give us, consumers, a better online shopping experience (and us, designers, more tools to explore), and it is t..

The role of the UX designer in an Agile product team

2020 was a hard year. It drove home something I’ve always known but had been taking for granted: good UX Design relies on an environment, process and team that support good UX Design. If the environment, process and team aren’t quite in place, I would argue that it’s the job of the UX Designer to sp..

What if everyone did what I’m about to do?

Every 21st-century design process will need to include ethical lenses on the work. How can we best incorporate it? Continue reading on UX Collective »

It’s time we look at diversity beyond conventional metrics.

Diversity needs to be at the core of a company’s values, not just a hiring metric. When that’s the case, diversity goes beyond ethnicity and gender, and includes diversity of lived experiences, ability, and generations. — 100 design lessons for 2021 It’s time we look at diversity beyond conventional..