Can user research hurt more than help?

Avoid these situations that create bad data Continue reading on UX Collective »

How Coca-Cola uses Gestalt principles in their branding

Let’s understand how your eyes and brain play the magic of perception. Continue reading on UX Collective »

How humans and IA can work hand-in-hand to make better decisions

Human and machine predictive abilities are complementary Continue reading on UX Collective »

Is service design the new change management?

Organizational change can be compared to product change. It is also a design process. How a change is introduced to users (customers or… Continue reading on UX Collective »

6 cheats to make your portfolio look redesigned — without actually doing anything

6 cheats to make your portfolio look redesigned — without actually doing anythingThe world moves fast. What was in style or considered beautiful ten years ago is not the same today. Likewise, your own taste and goals change with time too. Which is why it’s important to keep your portfolio updated. I..

The problem with underspecified notifications

We often fear giving our users too much information. But doing so comes with a cost and the check engine light is a prime example. Continue reading on UX Collective »

More psychological principles for product designers

Source: Kristina Ooo on DribbbleIn our eternal search for more psychological rudiments to keep in mind while designing your products, we came across these few golden rules that can help you on your way to designing a meaningful product. Check them out: (Also, check out the first part of this piece, ..

We need more friction in our algorithms

Companies have paid lip service to our digital wellbeing for too long. Now we need to see real change. Continue reading on UX Collective »

A deep-dive on search: YouTube

YouTube’s founding team. Image: Jawed KarimYouTube began with three PayPal employees, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim, who initially conceived it as an online dating service. Hurley grew up around technology; he won third place in a national electronic competition in 9th grade with an ampli..

The magical moments behind successful products

How to leverage entertainment as a social driver to foster a sustainable community and connection across users(Image Credit: Allison Yu)You may have noticed before that people really like entertainment; but what about it makes us so drawn to it? What about us as humans make us so drawn to it? There’..