What your workspace can(’t) do for you

A guide with things you already know but keep ignoring. Continue reading on UX Collective »

When does iconography start to become useless?

Those little UX crimes.Firstly, props to two sources here: This is a superb article by Mary Formanek which lets you play the icon game, and explains this in much more detail: Label your icons Secondly, another incredibly good article by Shane P Williams that has some excellent advice and sources: Ca..

Interaction design is more than just user flows and clicks

How to evaluate interaction costs and improve UX. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Working from home doesn’t kill innovation

A belief from a different era that we should stop from spreading Continue reading on UX Collective »

How can you make UX research insights visible, traceable, and fun?

A case study from my recent explorations with Miro.Illustration credits to DrawKitResearch analysis and synthesis can be quite extensive and energy-draining steps within the UXR process. Yet both are key to distilling relevant actionable outcomes for dissemination, if you are navigating a fast-paced..

Poor little billionaires: The design challenges of high-rise buildings

The rich are just like you and me, except more so… Continue reading on UX Collective »

The Narcissus fallacy in product design

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” is perhaps the most misused quote in the world (and was never said by Henry Ford by the way). Echo and Narcissus by John William Waterhouse.While its signification is quite clear (people wanted things to go faster, they ex..

Peek like a Geek, steal like the greatest

How to use metaphors to gain an understanding of your customers mental model? Continue reading on UX Collective »

Design systems: Working on the right level

Of all the risks with adopting a design system, the most dangerous one is to keep working the same way. If that happens, what we have adopted is not a design system, but rather a UI component library. We might see benefits in the beginning: the UI looking fresher and more consistent, components nice..

A mini-guide to microcopy

Effective microcopy writings are human-oriented, it makes the application friendly, and the user feels important and smart.Some time ago I thought that it is not so important to think about microcopy in designs. But I was so mistaken) The biggest misconception is some designers believe that microcop..