Understanding data feminism

A new way of thinking about data science and data ethics, informed by the ideas of intersectional feminism.by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein Introduction: We wrote this book because we are data scientists and data feminists. Although we speak as a “we” in this book, and share certain identi..

Affordances and signifiers

Creating designs, components and interactions that make sense to users Continue reading on UX Collective »

Redesigning design practices alongside artificial intelligence

Image : David Serrault“AI design will allow creatives to concentrate on their real jobs.”reportedly said Tim Cook, CEO of Apple. I was not able to certify the source of this quote, however, it poses a question: What is the real designer job? Or, what would be the designer’s “real job” that Mr. Cook ..

User-fudged experiences

How to design for weird user behavior.Photo by Luísa Schetinger on UnsplashThis article was inspired by a conversation I had with Ryan Warrender on our Podcast Design Huddle. User Fudged Experiences are when users do something unexpected with our products or service, usually in a hacky way. Here are..

Designing for the autistic community

Product design principles that will improve usability for everyone. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Why planning is hard

Behaviors & biases in planningPhoto by Hans-Peter GausterThe past few months have been pretty busy at work. We’ve started an exercise where we are evaluating a product — currently manufactured in our European & North American factories — to be manufactured in our Asian factories to serve the regiona..

Predictive vs. generative design methods for design & architecture

5 aspects for everyone to clarify expectations for digital tools that will shape the world of tomorrow, now.We have a crisis. There are less than 10 years left to meet 2030 goals, and according to the AIA 2030 report for 2019 only 15% of new projects reported are meeting those goals. There is a long..

The anatomy of a design trend

A discussion of the theory of design trends with sample trends in Industrial Design, Interface Design, and User Experience.Fig. 4: the design trend map: micro design trends in user experience, visual design and industrial design (this version created in April, 2021)Key Insights: (1) Design trends ca..

What I learned from this year’s performance review

Things I wish I knew going into the feedback cycle. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Systems thinking for DesignOps

If DesignOps is about designing processes and defining transformative strategies, it is important to apply a Systems Thinking approach to ensure the strategy delivers on the expectations and does not move inefficiencies across the organisation.Systems Thinking is a holistic critical thinking approac..