Does intuition matter?

Have you ever considered yourself an intuitive designer? Or is the idea of intuition something that you consider as disconnected from the design profession? Something to be wary of? Or something to be used and celebrated in your design practice?In Season 8 of Catching The Next Wave podcast, we’ve de..

This is how design principles help you declutter visualizations

The skill you may not have realized you had Continue reading on UX Collective »

Entering a new digital age for accessibility and inclusion

Despite a pandemic that has kept most of us on major lockdowns, and United States politics that have monopolized much of the Canadian… Continue reading on UX Collective »

How much did I earn as a junior designer in 2002?

Why time is more important than money, even when the money is low. Continue reading on UX Collective »

How to deal with designers in 10 easy steps

This is is a satire.Did you just hire a couple of designers, thinking they would sit quietly and create some visuals? I have bad news for you. They are already thinking about changing things, while blabbing about people, ethics, experiences, and a guy named Norman. Soon enough, they will audit your ..

A practical guide on how to choose and tweak typefaces for your design project

Using Google Fonts, Figma and your eyes Continue reading on UX Collective »

Common accessibility considerations for designers

An Accessibility Checklist for DesignersOne of the most common things I am asked for when it comes to accessibility in design is a checklist of accessibility “to-do” items. In many situations, my response to this request is that the World Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is your best referenc..

It is your intro, make sure it counts

First impression matters, and should be memorable. This is why and how.Photo by Adam Solomon on Unsplash“Hi everyone, my name is Tom,” said the new joiner “this is my first week here, I used to work for X as a senior product designer, and before that, I worked at Y. I’m really excited to be here and..

The needs of the many

It is time for the law to protect its digital citizens Continue reading on UX Collective »