Become a business-aware designer in 2021

Five things you need to know to have a bigger impact Continue reading on UX Collective »

5 heuristics for UX writing

Rules of thumb to improve the value and usability of your products through better writingImagine you are buying a gift for a friend, but instead of starting with choosing the gift, you first select the container and wrapping paper, then the actual present. Unless your friend is obsessed with pattern..

Is UX audit worth it? Here’s what you stand to fain from it

Image SourceClunky. Tedious. Outmoded. Just a few words that come to mind while using an enterprise application that’s well past its prime. Enterprise systems are created to serve multiple, different users who perform a range of actions under a specific role. They provide mission-critical solutions ..

Accessible SVG Icons

The answer to “What is the most accessible HTML for an SVG icon?” isn’t one-size-fits all, because what an icon needs to do on a website varies. I’m partial to Heather Migliorisi’s research on all this, but I can summarize. Extremely quickly: hide it if it’s decorative, title it if it’s stand-alone,..

Create a Tag Cloud with some Simple CSS and even Simpler JavaScript

I’ve always liked tag clouds. I like the UX of seeing what tags are most popular on a website by seeing the relative font size of the tags, popular tags being bigger. They seem to have fallen out of fashion, though you do often see versions of them used in illustrations in tools like Wordle. How di..

Maintaining equilibrium in your product

Over time, I have had the honor and privilege to work for and with incredibly talented individuals. As a peer, subordinate, and boss, I… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Pichwai art: Adding colour to the Indian culture

Culture plays an important role in the development of any nation. It represents a set of shared attitudes, values, goals and practices. Culture and creativity manifest themselves in almost all economic, social and other activities. A country as diverse as India is symbolized by the plurality of its ..

A year in review — what I learned about UX and work in 2020

A year in review — what I learned about UX and work in 2020Photo by Immo Wegmann on UnsplashAs the year comes to a close… As this very long and chaotic 2020 slowly but finally comes to a close, it seems like a natural time to reflect on what I have learned during the year and take note of some of wh..

What if we used graphical passwords for authentication?

I was recently reading up about how passwords are easy to crack today and how many of the cybersecurity attacks start off with a compromised password when I stumbled upon Graphical Passwords and its potential. The idea of doing away with having to memorize your alpha-numeric password(s) is intriguin..

50 Best Websites of 2020

2020 has been one of the most memorable years in our history. Few of us have been alive long enough to experience a more turbulent time. But throughout the year, we saw design respond to challenging events with positivity, color, and a desire to elevate those people and projects working to make the ..