Waterfall design isn’t dead, just having an identity crisis

There is a place where waterfall design belongs; And without it we’ll never keep up with rapid sprint cycles. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Think about your Hmmms — tips for better UX research

In one crazy year, a pandemic struck and I had an opportunity to become a better behavioral scientist and researcher. Continue reading on UX Collective »

How can you make UX research insights visible, traceable, and fun?

A case study from my recent explorations with Miro.Illustration credits to DrawKitResearch analysis and synthesis can be quite extensive and energy-draining steps within the UXR process. Yet both are key to distilling relevant actionable outcomes for dissemination, if you are navigating a fast-paced..

The magical moments behind successful products

How to leverage entertainment as a social driver to foster a sustainable community and connection across users(Image Credit: Allison Yu)You may have noticed before that people really like entertainment; but what about it makes us so drawn to it? What about us as humans make us so drawn to it? There’..

Does intuition matter?

Have you ever considered yourself an intuitive designer? Or is the idea of intuition something that you consider as disconnected from the design profession? Something to be wary of? Or something to be used and celebrated in your design practice?In Season 8 of Catching The Next Wave podcast, we’ve de..

Gutenberg & modern-day UX

How a 15th-century German goldsmith had laid the path of modern-day UX practice and philosophies.Collage by authorWell, a lot of you might be wondering what Gutenburg has to do with UX! Yes, he invented the press — which had changed the world; but was there any concept of the idea of UX back then? D..

The assumption of empathy: Are all designers psychotherapists now?

Empathy, empathy, empathy. It’s a term lavishly tossed about like salt at a fast-food restaurant. As designers, we have become inured to the threadbare pervasiveness that has stripped it of its essential worth. We take its meaning for granted.Munch, Edvard. “Attraction II.” 1895. Original from The A..

Why my mom should replace judges of design awards

Toddler explaining their mother how to use a tablet — Photo by Alexander Dummer on UnsplashI am fascinated by the winners on award websites that judge the UI of products and the realizations that are digital pieces of art. Professional designers assess several submissions and rate them on several cr..

Things I wish UX candidates would ask me during interviews

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/LQ1t-8Ms5PYOver the last few days and weeks, I’ve been leading the recruitment efforts for a Senior Product Designer at my startup. I’ll skip this time the part of lecturing about how your CV and portfolio should look like (and how should not). For each candidate ..

It’s time we say goodbye to pixel units

Why responsive and accessible websites don’t really need ‘em.Photo by Sigmund on UnsplashIf you design or develop websites, do not use px units. Absolute units (px, in, mm, cm, pt, and pc) are as bad for accessibility and responsive design as using tables for layout. Of all the available absolute un..