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Designing business transformation through customer experience

Building experience design into the organisation from organisational design through to mature design thinking within product teams. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Designing to reduce the user’s mental burden

Thoughtfully designed products don’t impose an unnecessary mental load on their users. Here are some products that make me think too much. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The role of Reflection in the design process

The often-overlooked last step.In product design, when we release a feature into the wild, we can expect a degree of objectivity in the feedback we get. We can tell if our designs are helping or hurting based on the feedback and metrics after we ship. Getting my hands on these metrics can be challen..

What does it mean to be inclusive in UX Research?

Image by @brandialxndraWhen we think of a futuristic reality for the human race, we think of flying cars and holographic calls. We may not be there just yet but we are sure on our way to building a digital future for all. In fact, the next billion users are hailing from developing countries in Asia,..

How to create personas based on science that actually work

It is quite difficult, if not almost impossible, to obtain a personality profile of one single individual let alone to create a persona… Continue reading on UX Collective »

What’s wrong with “everyone’s a designer”

Casino heists, Disney movies, and more. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Connected by light: Bringing colour to Canary Wharf

Parker Heyl x MOBSTER — Office Party/The Epiphany (2020)Written by Craig Berry Designer & Writer As we say move into spring and say goodbye to the bleak and cold winter evenings, I wanted to reflect on these ‘dark’ times through an outdoor exhibition that took place throughout the Canary Wharf Estat..

You look creative, but you sound like a bank

How understanding tone of voice can help architects, designers and creative businesses win work and get noticed. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Palm OS — How does it look today?

The first Palm PDA was introduced in 1996 and it was a huge success. How did Palm OS really work? Let's test it and figure it out. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The evolution of usability in chess

Modern chess design has stood the test of time, but that wasn’t always the case. Sometimes less is more.Chess has a long history, it dates back to the 7th century in India, where it was created as a war game. In some ways, a lot of the game has remained unchanged since the creation, but there have b..