Surviving career glitch: Growing up to be a value-driven designer

With experience comes greater understanding. Using that tactfully should be your winning strategy. Continue reading on UX Collective »

I don’t know anyone using InVision Studio, and that’s too bad

The more you hype your product, the more people expect. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Creating a more collaborative and efficient process when migrating to Figma

How we migrated our design team to Figma — Part 2Illustration by Alexander FandénAs the coronavirus hit the travel industry earlier this year, the design team at Agoda looked at how we could save costs without sacrificing the quality of the work we’re doing. The collaborative features and the opport..

Design your productivity: A procrastinator’s survival guide

Is there a better pair out there than Motivation & Self Discipline? Well, there is a more romantic one for sure: Motivation &… Continue reading on UX Collective »

When AI inspires human creators

Machine Learning can also be fueled by beauty and meaning Continue reading on UX Collective »

Tools for Action

Tools for actionWhat if users were given a tool to organize their thoughts and actions with the same amount of detail as a tool for thought that lets them organize their notes?The rise of Roam Research, the note-taking tool for networked thought, has given a home to researchers, power users, develop..

Design like Elon Musk using 6 fundamental principles

How Musk’s companies are able to beat existing industry giants using 6 fundamental design principles. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Design agency vs in-house design team

5 differences product designers experience while working at agencies vs product companies. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Do you need a Chief of Feedback?

Feedback is the spark of improvement and renewal. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Creativity is not imagination. It’s realisation.

What determines creativity in humans? Gain perspective and increased self-awareness through a historical and value-based analysis. Continue reading on UX Collective »