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How much did I earn as a junior designer in 2002?

Why time is more important than money, even when the money is low. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Putting to the test Google’s plan to disrupt the university degree

A UX design and ethical analysis of Google’s UX Design Professional Certificate Course.A screenshot of Google’s UX design course on CourseraI usually only binge-watch Netflix shows. But after reading about Google’s plan to disrupt the college degree, following an announcement from Sundar Pichai, CEO..

How industrial designers can become “The Bridge” between physical/digital

In search for the missing link between physical and digital that will enable more meaningful and tangible experiences.Illustration by AuthorIn my 10+ years working for both in-house teams and design consultancies I’ve had the opportunity to work for large, Fortune 500 companies as well as early-stag..

The untouched past of content

Content audits and their value.Image from UnsplashWe all have been deep-diving into various Excel spreadsheets in our lives. Whether in school, in our professional career, or even for personal matters. While it’s fair to say they might be anything but exciting, they can play a crucial part in Conten..

The more you focus on optimizations, the more you lose control over the big...

— 100 design lessons for 2021 The more you focus on optimizations, the more you lose control over the big picture. was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

How is AI-centered product design different?

People who are interested in AI often ask me what an AI designer is,and I’ve attempted to answer that question in this article. I wanted to go a step further, by helping designers and product teams understand how designing AI-based product experiences is different from traditional product design. He..

How to build great products

Build at the intersectionThe best products are created at the intersection of product, design, and engineering. Successful teams start, build, and finish together. Fewer handoffs, and more multidisciplinary debates and considerations. Decide at the intersectionThe best product decisions are made at ..

Conducting design research for startups

Here’s what you need to know about conducting design research for an early-stage startup. Continue reading on UX Collective »

A simple static visualization can often be the best approach

How I overengineered a worse solution by making an interactive visualization Continue reading on UX Collective »