Overcoming stress and ambiguity with a (cow) drawing routine

Back in January 2020, in one of these New Year reflections, I decided to draw a cow per day for 3 months, so I created @thecowoftheday account on Instagram. My three goals were: (1) to steam off some work-life stress and frustrations, (2) to keep my creativity flowing, and (3) to bring some smiles t..

The UX issues of development frameworks

Analyzing and applying design principles to development frameworks Continue reading on UX Collective »

A mini-guide to microcopy

Effective microcopy writings are human-oriented, it makes the application friendly, and the user feels important and smart.Some time ago I thought that it is not so important to think about microcopy in designs. But I was so mistaken) The biggest misconception is some designers believe that microcop..

The ‘what’ and ‘why’ of design debt

The first part of the ‘Design Debt 101’ series.The ‘what’ and ‘why’ of design debtMonday afternoon. Kick-off meeting. This new project looks very promising, you may have discovered a niche no one knew about. It turns out, you need notifications. “Great! We have a notification system. It shouldn’t be..

Pitching accessible and inclusive design solutions

SourceWe shouldn’t have to pitch the need to integrate this into our digital work process. Building solutions that are inclusive is part of our responsibility as designers. Everyone should care about creating solutions that a bigger audience can use. But that’s not always the case. In fact, that’s a..

Ebooks and academics: an interview study

We asked students to share their stories about using ebooks. Here’s what we learned. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Gutenberg & modern-day UX

How a 15th-century German goldsmith had laid the path of modern-day UX practice and philosophies.Collage by authorWell, a lot of you might be wondering what Gutenburg has to do with UX! Yes, he invented the press — which had changed the world; but was there any concept of the idea of UX back then? D..

Tools for Action

Tools for actionWhat if users were given a tool to organize their thoughts and actions with the same amount of detail as a tool for thought that lets them organize their notes?The rise of Roam Research, the note-taking tool for networked thought, has given a home to researchers, power users, develop..

When all you have is a hammer…

Cognitive bias with tools in UX and beyond. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Projective techniques in design research

Brief context, definition and how to use them. Continue reading on UX Collective »