It’s time we stop lying to users; here’s what to do instead

Lying about having chat support. Automatic pop-ups. And more. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The future of (online) shopping

Getty ImagesYou and I have shopped online a ton during the coronavirus pandemic, and some of those habits will stick. At the same time, new technologies are continuously being developed to give us, consumers, a better online shopping experience (and us, designers, more tools to explore), and it is t..

The role of the UX designer in an Agile product team

2020 was a hard year. It drove home something I’ve always known but had been taking for granted: good UX Design relies on an environment, process and team that support good UX Design. If the environment, process and team aren’t quite in place, I would argue that it’s the job of the UX Designer to sp..

What if everyone did what I’m about to do?

Every 21st-century design process will need to include ethical lenses on the work. How can we best incorporate it? Continue reading on UX Collective »

It’s time we look at diversity beyond conventional metrics.

Diversity needs to be at the core of a company’s values, not just a hiring metric. When that’s the case, diversity goes beyond ethnicity and gender, and includes diversity of lived experiences, ability, and generations. — 100 design lessons for 2021 It’s time we look at diversity beyond conventional..

Design systems are ecosystems for collaboration

Defining the parts and the 5 questions to drive development forward.In 2014 I build what I called my first proper UI component library. What made it proper was the fact that I could reuse components and combine them to create new components and layouts. I called it the “prototype machine” because it..

How the sausage is made, no-mouse challenge, building a portfolio system

Your weekly list of curated design resources, brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective.As designers, we are a part of something bigger than ourselves. We’re part of a system that relies on collaboration across many disciplines. Once designs leave our control, we’re not done. A lot has to ..

Digital privacy: visible and delusional

A larger discussion about implications of gendered experiences in designed digital privacy, unintended exposure, and digital security… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Overcoming stress and ambiguity with a (cow) drawing routine

Back in January 2020, in one of these New Year reflections, I decided to draw a cow per day for 3 months, so I created @thecowoftheday account on Instagram. My three goals were: (1) to steam off some work-life stress and frustrations, (2) to keep my creativity flowing, and (3) to bring some smiles t..

In a world without offices, what is a company?

In a world without offices, what IS a company?“Workers (now and in the future) will evaluate potential jobs not just according to the duties of the role, but also on the experiences, culture and care that the company provides to those who are a part of it. Now is the time for the real experience des..