Beyond the buzzword: Gamification done right

Gamification can make a good product better if done right, but it’s not a magic potion Continue reading on UX Collective »

The interface effect

An interface is not something projected on a screen, it is a mediation technique between interrelated levels and layers.No one knows for sure, how Gyges came to the throne of Lydia (680 BC), which led to countless stories and legends about it. At that time, Lydia was ruled by Candaules, a man who ac..

Accessibility vs Design trends

Neumorphism? Glassmorphism? Material Design? All design trends can be accessible. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The problem with underspecified notifications

We often fear giving our users too much information. But doing so comes with a cost and the check engine light is a prime example. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Why has no one made a better Goodreads

People who read often desire to read in connection with other readers. Readers have found community within the website, “Goodreads.” And while it builds community and conversation, most who use the site want a better Goodreads. Anyone who’s used it for anything repeatedly shares a number of laments...

Testing fonts for accessibility

Selecting accessible fonts for your copy is not just to help users with disabilities and special needs – it increases legibility for all… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Not every project needs to follow the same process.

Our goal as designers should be to seek clarity, not to impose a path to achieve it. — 100 design lessons for 2021 Not every project needs to follow the same process. was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to t..

The most common mistake designers make when adjusting their bar charts

What to do if your values don’t fit? Continue reading on UX Collective »

How Coca-Cola uses Gestalt principles in their branding

Let’s understand how your eyes and brain play the magic of perception. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The magical moments behind successful products

How to leverage entertainment as a social driver to foster a sustainable community and connection across users(Image Credit: Allison Yu)You may have noticed before that people really like entertainment; but what about it makes us so drawn to it? What about us as humans make us so drawn to it? There’..