A simple static visualization can often be the best approach

How I overengineered a worse solution by making an interactive visualization Continue reading on UX Collective »

How to discover your customers’ willingness to pay

This is a step-by-step guide on applying best practice qualitative and quantitative techniques to discover your customers’ WTP Continue reading on UX Collective »

The human working memory and the implications on Apple CarPlay

Today there are more things fighting for our attention than ever before. We are constantly juggling work, family, and social lives. What we don’t realize is, try as we might to multitask, our attention span is quite limited. Recent findings suggest that we can hold about four items (plus or minus 1)..

Product managers as amplifiers

I often say that being a PM is like having superpowers. You are constantly learning new things given the problem space you are working in. You have privileged access to all areas of your company and the most relevant discussions about your product and company’s future. But this kind of superpower co..

What are your design maxims?

A few things I have learned along the way about design and business that have stood the test of time.My design career — if I can call it that — has now spanned multiple decades. The first thing I created that I would consider a proper design was a seven-inch record for a friend’s band sometime in th..

How digital machines can learn analogical thinking

The human cognitive power that AI lacks Continue reading on UX Collective »

Understand why they’re doing it, not just what they do

Take control of your interviews — focus on three facets of interaction to understand motivations and behavior. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The line between work and play is Garbage

What rock stars have taught me about my job.Garbage, illustrated by R. Michael HendrixSteve was supposed to be in bright colored lights on stages across the U.S. along with Liz Phair and Alanis Morrisette. Instead, he was on Zoom with me, trying to find a camera angle that didn’t make him look like ..

What 21st-century design looks like

Don Norman and decolonial design.iMattSmart @UnsplashBack in October 2020 I had the pleasure to attend Don Norman’s Master Class transmitted by Interaction Design Foundation in which he presented the challenges to the discipline of Design and to all designers in the 21st century. To help me grasp a ..

The invisible hand that gave students the middle finger

And why it made universities vulnerable to disruption. Continue reading on UX Collective »