A new, revolutionary UI is just around the corner — here are the signs

We all remember the 2nd one. The 5th one is on its way. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Common accessibility considerations for designers

An Accessibility Checklist for DesignersOne of the most common things I am asked for when it comes to accessibility in design is a checklist of accessibility “to-do” items. In many situations, my response to this request is that the World Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is your best referenc..

The gestalt principle of proximity — in action

The gestalt principle of proximity — in actionProximity guides user attention and organises elements into groupsAccording to gestalt psychology, we need to organise what we see to make sense of the world. Without using patterns to order out vision, we would overwhelm our brain. The gestalt psycholog..

The human working memory and the implications on Apple CarPlay

Today there are more things fighting for our attention than ever before. We are constantly juggling work, family, and social lives. What we don’t realize is, try as we might to multitask, our attention span is quite limited. Recent findings suggest that we can hold about four items (plus or minus 1)..

How Robinhood damaged its brand image instantly

Customers value transparency and authenticity — Robinhood failed to deliver Continue reading on UX Collective »

Talking trash: A father’s primer on paternalism in design

Real-world talk about the importance of a designer’s own awareness as told by a humbled dad-designer. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Don’t call them users: The rules of people-first writing

Continue reading on UX Collective »

When are we going to start designing AI with purpose?

For an industry that prides itself on moving fast, the tech community has been remarkably slow to adapt to the differences of designing with AI. Machine learning is an intrinsically fuzzy science, yet when it inevitably returns unpredictable results, we tend to react like it’s a puzzle to be solved;..

Sagrada Familia: The divine creative freedom of architect Antoni Gaudí

A celebration of science and spirit. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Understanding DesignOps as a strategic function — PART 2

PART 2Understanding DesignOps as a strategic function: measuring impactPart 2 of 2DesignOps relies on ongoing performance assessments to constantly evaluate what can be done better to impact positively the business metrics. Yes, DesignOps’ impact is quantifiable. Credits: https://www.pexels.com/@nie..