Type traps, design maxims, new Figma, UI tips collection

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.“One of the fundamental forces behind my journey is the opportunity to connect and collaborate with other designers. Building relationships is a crucial part of what we do. I’ve always been a people person myself. That’s just part of my na..

Designing honesty

Putting Dieter Ram’s sixth principle of good design in practice.Recently, I came across the 2018 documentary Ramsdirected by Gary Hustwit, detailing the life and influence of legendary German industrial designer Dieter Rams. Rams is known for his “less is better” approach and industrial design works..

Illustration Teardowns: Refactoring Old Work

We all hate to look at our old work. Yuk! Blech! But as songwriters say “it’s all in the rewrite”!Girl sketching on iPad (refactored from several years ago 🙌🏽)As I come up close to the end of my current contract I find myself in that “what’s next” place where I need to get out and promote myself som..

Designing to reduce the user’s mental burden

Thoughtfully designed products don’t impose an unnecessary mental load on their users. Here are some products that make me think too much. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The role of transformational leadership in design

As my team has been focusing on elevating each team member, we’ve started looking at what makes a good manager and how we can train them. Continue reading on UX Collective »

In defence of physical buttons

I feel the need. The need for tactile feedback. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Logic in UX goes beyond fancy concepts or frameworks

Beyond fancy concepts, frameworks, and names, the UX relies on an essential human input: experience and Logic usageMany companies are pivoting into a digital transformation; this supposes many job changes, mindsets, and new workflows. In Colombia, these changes often create more intrigue in co-worke..

Brutalism at its best

The days when one of architecture’s most controversial styles looks at its most resplendentThe Barbican Centre in London in all its sublimity.This morning I awoke, like I often do, and fired up my laptop from which I lazily scrolled through the various news and sports websites; an act which encompas..

Keyword foraging: the key to better search tools

How this new term can help us understand the way people discover things online Continue reading on UX Collective »

Chess & Information Architecture — An introduction

Chess & Information Architecture — An introductionBelieve it or not, reading the IA standard — Information Architecture for the Web and Beyond — got me into chess.If you don’t know what information architecture is and how it fits into UX, I have a blog post here. It’s funny, I sort of stumbled into ..