Design psychology and the neuroscience behind awesome UX

This article was written in collaboration with Senior UX researcher Caitria O’Neill, currently at Google, previously at Airbnb and Facebook.The human brain is lazy, biased, and prone to shortcuts.The user experience study of human cognition can be mushy, unscientific, and filled with false assumptio..

A new, revolutionary UI is just around the corner — here are the signs

We all remember the 2nd one. The 5th one is on its way. Continue reading on UX Collective »

What should we do about public touch screens in the Covid era?

They need a rethink.Photo by Gabby K from PexelsYuck!Though they were probably always a bit unsanitary, during the Covid-19 crisis (I like to call it the Covidian) using any interface that was inherently communal became a not-so-great idea. While research seems to show that the virus doesn’t live lo..

User Experience is … providing game changing experience visions

How experience design thinking can influence organisations, corporate visions, strategies and build of products through experience visions. Continue reading on UX Collective »

How the sausage is made, no-mouse challenge, building a portfolio system

Your weekly list of curated design resources, brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective.As designers, we are a part of something bigger than ourselves. We’re part of a system that relies on collaboration across many disciplines. Once designs leave our control, we’re not done. A lot has to ..

Design is everything but everything isn’t design

Why brands put aesthetics ahead of everything else but need everything else for design to truly succeedAesthetics are an expression of purpose. What we believe, the choices we make, and the products and services we choose to use are bound up in our individual worldview and belief system. Our choices..

Systems thinking for DesignOps

If DesignOps is about designing processes and defining transformative strategies, it is important to apply a Systems Thinking approach to ensure the strategy delivers on the expectations and does not move inefficiencies across the organisation.Systems Thinking is a holistic critical thinking approac..

How digital machines can learn analogical thinking

The human cognitive power that AI lacks Continue reading on UX Collective »

Eminence and why you should actually work for it

Image of quote — Expose yourselfEminence or exposure is this important “thing” that often gets overseen. Designers and non-designers often think they don’t have time or that they have nothing special to offer. Working on yourself or your personal brand can actually be a daunting task, a blocker for ..

How to avoid using gradients like a lunatic

Gradients are everywhere you look these days and it appears they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Here is how to harness their power… Continue reading on UX Collective »