Ideating within constraints — utilizing context to design strategically

Leveraging the constraints around our work to envision a broader range of ideas that incite critical thinking & debate Continue reading on UX Collective »

How Robinhood damaged its brand image instantly

Customers value transparency and authenticity — Robinhood failed to deliver Continue reading on UX Collective »

Why your company should be experimenting

I was recently approached by a client who needed to explain the benefits of experimentation to his company. My first thought was an infographic. But that just scratches the surface.The benefits of testingA simple sharing of experimentation benefits didn’t seem right, however, as the main problem fac..

Implications of cross-cultural design for usability and A/B testing

Cultural background affects visual preferences, which in turn impacts how quickly people navigate websites and how much information they can remember.By Slater DesignWhen I lived in Argentina during my undergrad, I began to notice how much of the tech industry was centered in the US. I noticed how d..

UI & UX micro-tips: Volume one

A collection of handy tips to help improve your designs instantly. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Building better products with a design token pipeline

Getting design tokens from design tools to code.You may know what design tokens are and what benefits they can bring. But you may wonder how exactly to start using them and how you can integrate them into your workflow. I this article you will learn just that: How to lean on design tokens to make be..