The public speaking side quest

Have you ever considered sharing your experience or knowledge with complete strangers?What I love about the design and tech community, is that people mostly say yes to this question. There is a sense of giving back to the community, almost like a rite of passage in one’s professional journey. But li..

Creating a more collaborative and efficient process when migrating to Figma

How we migrated our design team to Figma — Part 2Illustration by Alexander FandénAs the coronavirus hit the travel industry earlier this year, the design team at Agoda looked at how we could save costs without sacrificing the quality of the work we’re doing. The collaborative features and the opport..

How understanding KPIs a little can improve discussions with stakeholders

How to add a quantitative aspect to user testing with minimal effort Continue reading on UX Collective »

The UX of deadnaming

What happens when systems don’t know the difference between a legal name and a chosen name (and how can designers care about trans people) Continue reading on UX Collective »

Operational efficiency and operational efficacy: defining DesignOps’ metrics

As an efficiency-focused transformational function, DesignOps needs to be able to quantify and measure impact and results. Identifying the right goals and defining the right KPIs are therefore essential steps for every DesignOps strategy and roadmap to ensure impact and progress can be objectively a..

The untouched past of content

Content audits and their value.Image from UnsplashWe all have been deep-diving into various Excel spreadsheets in our lives. Whether in school, in our professional career, or even for personal matters. While it’s fair to say they might be anything but exciting, they can play a crucial part in Conten..

How to make the best product decisions based on thousands of user inputs

TL;DRManaging incoming feature requests and other insights is hardStructuring this data the right way helps you utilize this valuable informationNot every structure works, you have to focus on the problems instead of the solutionsIt’s rewarding because it will help you plan the product roadmap and f..

Is Apple capable of designing a usable mouse?

Remembering Jobs’ relentless approach to product design, and how a sufficient mouse design never came to be Continue reading on UX Collective »

Tools to invent better futures

Experimental tools to align speculative and futures design with core values and life-centred thinking. Continue reading on UX Collective »

This simple story can help you explain UX and UI design

And why you can’t have one without the other. Continue reading on UX Collective »