Does intuition matter?

Have you ever considered yourself an intuitive designer? Or is the idea of intuition something that you consider as disconnected from the design profession? Something to be wary of? Or something to be used and celebrated in your design practice?In Season 8 of Catching The Next Wave podcast, we’ve de..

This is how design principles help you declutter visualizations

The skill you may not have realized you had Continue reading on UX Collective »

Habits I gave up in my 21,000-hour design journey

It’s not about taking more work, it’s about quitting bad habits. Continue reading on UX Collective »

A portfolio is about your craft, not your projects.

Focus your portfolio on showing your craft, your polish, and how much you care about your work. When you get to the interview, you’ll have plenty of time to walk them through your case studies from top to bottom. — 100 design lessons for 2021 A portfolio is about your craft, not your projects. was o..

Design psychology and the neuroscience behind awesome UX

This article was written in collaboration with Senior UX researcher Caitria O’Neill, currently at Google, previously at Airbnb and Facebook.The human brain is lazy, biased, and prone to shortcuts.The user experience study of human cognition can be mushy, unscientific, and filled with false assumptio..

Entering a new digital age for accessibility and inclusion

Despite a pandemic that has kept most of us on major lockdowns, and United States politics that have monopolized much of the Canadian… Continue reading on UX Collective »

How much did I earn as a junior designer in 2002?

Why time is more important than money, even when the money is low. Continue reading on UX Collective »

How to deal with designers in 10 easy steps

This is is a satire.Did you just hire a couple of designers, thinking they would sit quietly and create some visuals? I have bad news for you. They are already thinking about changing things, while blabbing about people, ethics, experiences, and a guy named Norman. Soon enough, they will audit your ..

I Designed a New Year’s Resolution App Inspired by Atomic Habits

I designed a better way to track habits and achieve goals Continue reading on UX Collective »

Out with the new and… in with the old?

Have you ever considered the history of some of our most common icons? Continue reading on UX Collective »