Designing for the autistic community

Product design principles that will improve usability for everyone. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The Ikea effect: accepting change by creating it

In our drive for efficiency and effectiveness, we tend to present finished solutions and ready-made decisions to employees. However… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Your new UX superpower: Business acumen“So, how do you decide between user needs and business needs?”I get this question all the time. Mostly, I hear it from people who are in the process of transitioning from a post-grad program into their first UXR job at a for-profit company. It hints at an under..

Illustration Teardowns: Refactoring Old Work

We all hate to look at our old work. Yuk! Blech! But as songwriters say “it’s all in the rewrite”!Girl sketching on iPad (refactored from several years ago 🙌🏽)As I come up close to the end of my current contract I find myself in that “what’s next” place where I need to get out and promote myself som..

What does it mean to be inclusive in UX Research?

Image by @brandialxndraWhen we think of a futuristic reality for the human race, we think of flying cars and holographic calls. We may not be there just yet but we are sure on our way to building a digital future for all. In fact, the next billion users are hailing from developing countries in Asia,..

How new computing tools are reshaping social science research

The road from Big data to Open Data Continue reading on UX Collective »

Comprehensive anatomy of all ‘Design Thinking’ workshops

ILLUSTRATED GUIDEAn attempt to figure out the workshop nature once and for all.We’ll skip the blah-blah about why workshops are important for product teams. Let’s better play a game. How many canvases on the picture below do you recognize? And which of them have you tried in practice? What types of ..

Using treemaps to understand hierarchical data

How to make sense of a complex visualization technique Continue reading on UX Collective »

What can researchers learn from con artists?

Building trust and rapport are key as we invite others to share, yet we must remain vigilant and combat confirmation bias Continue reading on UX Collective »

A guide to statistics in UX: When qualitative research isn’t enough

Qualitative methods aren’t always the right methods. Sometimes we need to step back and take a different perspective to understand the… Continue reading on UX Collective »