Overcoming stress and ambiguity with a (cow) drawing routine

Back in January 2020, in one of these New Year reflections, I decided to draw a cow per day for 3 months, so I created @thecowoftheday account on Instagram. My three goals were: (1) to steam off some work-life stress and frustrations, (2) to keep my creativity flowing, and (3) to bring some smiles t..

When all you have is a hammer…

Cognitive bias with tools in UX and beyond. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Is what you’re expecting realistic? When and how to involve others in UX research

Researchers — set non-researchers up for success by determining when & how to effectively involve them in UX research activities. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Peek like a Geek, steal like the greatest

How to use metaphors to gain an understanding of your customers mental model? Continue reading on UX Collective »

What 21st-century design looks like

Don Norman and decolonial design.iMattSmart @UnsplashBack in October 2020 I had the pleasure to attend Don Norman’s Master Class transmitted by Interaction Design Foundation in which he presented the challenges to the discipline of Design and to all designers in the 21st century. To help me grasp a ..

Can you judge a book by its creative director?

Like a duet or dance, it’s about making your creative partner succeedThe co-authors of Two Beats Ahead, Panos A. Panay and R. Michael Hendrix; photo: Kimberly Panay, 2018In 2016 I was approached to write a book. I turned it down, only to find myself working on it a year later. The reason was that al..

The Single Usability Metric (SUM) — A completion rate conundrum

The Single Usability Metric (SUM) — A completion rate conundrumTL;DR — In the SUM benchmarking method, the calculation of completion rates creates a bias for completion rates which artificially inflates all ‘good’ scores and marks some ‘poor’ scores as ‘good’. I cover two methods to augment the SUM ..

4 tips to build responsive apps on a budget

Low effort tips to make your phone app design responsive to display well on tablets. Continue reading on UX Collective »

A world designed for men with a “just make it pink” mentality

(But let’s try to do better from now on.)Drawn in Adobe Illustrator by the author.Today is March 8th, or International Women’s Day, and the entire month of March is to celebrate women’s history. Though it is always nice to be reminded of all the advancements women have made in infiltrating male-domi..

How to make the Hick-Hyman’s law work for you

The time it takes to make a decision increases proportionally to the number and complexity of choices. Use this effect in your products. Continue reading on UX Collective »