How UX engineers enable product innovation

Creative technology roles are becoming a critical part of innovation teams in Big Tech.Credit: phototechnoSometimes called a design technologist or creative technologist, the user experience engineer is a developer that plays in the space between creative and development. Adding a UXE to a team that..

Subtraction in design, NFT fanatics, headless UI, and more links this week

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.Generally speaking, people don’t get paid for removing features. They don’t get applause for eliminating jobs. And they rarely get promoted for telling their bosses they’ve been wasting their money. Much safer to propose something new, whi..

Embrace imperfection to design with character

Imperfections are usually something we try to hide, but there are some great examples where they have been turned into decisive strengths.What do these have in common? Pixar choosing to make its first movie about toysThe decor of Friends, unchanged for 10 seasonsThe scratchy sound of a vinyl recordA..

How to write inclusive, accessible digital products

Good UX writing invites everyone to use the interface.There’s one piece of writing advice I give to everyone: Read your writing out loud. Yes, out loud. Not out loud in your head. Out loud out loud. Move your mouth. Make sound. Listen to your sentences. It’s a simple technique, but it works. Listeni..

Am I going to work with people who inspire me?

Interview with John Ferguson about design excellence and non-linear career paths in design.Illustrated by Shreya DamleLeading with Craftis a limited series of articles where we shed a light on stories of designers with successful careers as individual contributors. Curating and publishing hundreds o..

Design as brand storyteller: Three ways design drives brand stories

Design does more than look good. In the right hands, it can tell the story of the brand like no linear narrative can.image: Photo by Raphael Schaller on Unsplash“Storytelling” is one of those words. In marketing circles, it gets hauled out whenever someone wants to make what they’re doing sound more..

Design practices that can shape values-driven futures

Design thinking that challenges perceptions, broadens inclusion and fosters co-creation Continue reading on UX Collective »

A practical guide on how to choose and tweak typefaces for your design project

Using Google Fonts, Figma and your eyes Continue reading on UX Collective »

How understanding KPIs a little can improve discussions with stakeholders

How to add a quantitative aspect to user testing with minimal effort Continue reading on UX Collective »

Testing fonts for accessibility

Selecting accessible fonts for your copy is not just to help users with disabilities and special needs – it increases legibility for all… Continue reading on UX Collective »