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It’s time we say goodbye to pixel units

Why responsive and accessible websites don’t really need ‘em.Photo by Sigmund on UnsplashIf you design or develop websites, do not use px units. Absolute units (px, in, mm, cm, pt, and pc) are as bad for accessibility and responsive design as using tables for layout. Of all the available absolute un..

Prototyping interactions between physical and visual interfaces

When it comes to prototyping physical interactions with visual interfaces, Arduino and Processing are probably one of the first things that come to mind. But so is how tedious it can be to handle data streams between Arduino and Processing or how adventurous it is to mock up GUIs in Processing The y..

A hill to die on

When do we stand up in a design review, present our case, and say “this is a hill I’m willing to die on”?Photo by Mike Erskine on UnsplashI love to talk about designing with constraints. So much of the life of a UX professional is evaluating and compromising technical limitations, time limitations, ..

Building better products with a design token pipeline

Getting design tokens from design tools to code.You may know what design tokens are and what benefits they can bring. But you may wonder how exactly to start using them and how you can integrate them into your workflow. I this article you will learn just that: How to lean on design tokens to make be..

Design tokens cheatsheet

A take on Design Token definition, organization, and specificity.A Design System’s strength comes from knowinghow and when to apply options (like purple-40 or color-warning) correctly to contexts (like backgrounds or typography). This grounds the option as a design decision or what is known as a Des..

Collective update: Our 2021 editorial plan

Lots of writers have been asking us about the types of stories we’re prioritizing this year. Here’s a guide that can help.The UX Collective is now the largest design publication on Medium, reaching an audience of over four hundred thousand people from all over the world. With that, comes great respo..

We can’t do that

Design negotiation techniques when your team says no. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The battle for design titles

Are you a UX/UI/Product/Interaction/Full-Stack/Visual/Digital Designer and how would you know?Working Hard • Illustration by Julia from Icons8There’s a hot debate happening on the web right now regarding Design titles. Some say we should stop saying “UX/UI Designer” — whether or not you agree with t..

NFT for designers, Google’s UX degree, Figma accessibility kit

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique and distinct bitcoin assets. While one Bitcoin is identical to and interchangeable with another, each NFT is unique, with distinguishing metadata and identification codes. NFTs are certificates of a..

Your new UX superpower: Business acumen

https://unsplash.com/photos/ArA3S3k0wTU“So, how do you decide between user needs and business needs?”I get this question all the time. Mostly, I hear it from people who are in the process of transitioning from a post-grad program into their first UXR job at a for-profit company. It hints at an under..