Reduce mental shotguns in your product’s experiences

Photo by Karen Lau on UnsplashWhat is a mental shotgun?we often compute much more than we want or need. I call this excess computation the mental shotgun — Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and SlowDaniel Kahneman’s states in his book that we don’t have much control over how our brain makes sense of t..

Create an interactive player prototype using ProtoPie

This tutorial shows you how to make an interactive player screen using ProtoPie. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Experiences and errors — whose fault is it?

Experiences and errors — whose fault is it?Image courtesy of Headway on UnsplashCicero once said that “To make a mistake is only human; to persist in a mistake is idiotic.” I do understand where he was coming from, but these words were pronounced in a time when we didn’t have the experience of writi..