Design as brand storyteller: Three ways design drives brand stories

Design does more than look good. In the right hands, it can tell the story of the brand like no linear narrative can.image: Photo by Raphael Schaller on Unsplash“Storytelling” is one of those words. In marketing circles, it gets hauled out whenever someone wants to make what they’re doing sound more..

WhatsApp privacy update fiasco: How things could have gone better

What went wrong, and how it could have been better. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Adding change management to your DesignOps’ strategy

DesignOps is a transformative function that focuses on the very heart of the teams’ operative system. For this reason, a participative approach to change management is key to ensure success and impact. Yet, the importance of change management as a core skill is still often overlooked.A successful De..

Affordances and signifiers

Creating designs, components and interactions that make sense to users Continue reading on UX Collective »

Adopting a reflective practice

How I catalogue my learning to grow as a practitionerCatalogued learnings from MiroI’m one of those people that can’t sleep until the thoughts floating around in my head are either written down or sketched out. I used to see this as a negative thing, like an obsession to think through all possible s..

Think about your Hmmms — tips for better UX research

In one crazy year, a pandemic struck and I had an opportunity to become a better behavioral scientist and researcher. Continue reading on UX Collective »

A four-layer model of product focus

If you’ve struggled in the past to relate a lofty, aspirational Product Vision to your day-to-day work, this layered architecture may help… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Designers should know crypto

The technology is here to stay, but with the more mainstream adoption come design challenges that were until now unsolved. Continue reading on UX Collective »

10 publications that contextualize design in South Africa

There are so few independent publications currently being produced in South Africa, and even fewer with a coherent design sensibility. All the more reason to know about those publications that have made a historic impression, and support those that are currently trying to create history. It should b..

How to manage stakeholders in your project

Who are the stakeholders and how to manage the collaboration with them? Continue reading on UX Collective »