How user stories destroy designers’ creativity and how you can fix them

If you want to design disruptive products, you must abandon standard storiesAs a UX Tutor, I review hundreds of user stories from aspiring designers striving to address their personas’ needs — although they accidentally do exactly the opposite. That’s because user stories focus on features rather th..

3,360 Figma variants, is graphic design too trendy, is Framer still alive?

Weekly curated resources for designers who are thinkers as much as they’re makers. Brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective.Before the introduction of Variants, it was cumbersome to navigate a Figma asset library for components with multiple states or characteristics. More painful still w..

Early-career UXers: Your most impressive work is missing from your portfolio

Let’s talk about what early-career UX folks should put in their portfolio and in interviews, especially when searching for the first job. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The state of open-data design

Looking at the state of UX in open data, and tips for how to navigate the beast that is government open data. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Can user research hurt more than help?

Avoid these situations that create bad data Continue reading on UX Collective »

Experiences and errors — whose fault is it?

Experiences and errors — whose fault is it?Image courtesy of Headway on UnsplashCicero once said that “To make a mistake is only human; to persist in a mistake is idiotic.” I do understand where he was coming from, but these words were pronounced in a time when we didn’t have the experience of writi..

A little history of the graphical user interface

I’d like to start this article by talking about a documentary series about web design called “Abstract” on Netflix. In the second season there’s an episode on Digital Design that focuses not only the internal work of Instagram’s design team, led by Ian Spalter, but also references the beginnings of ..

Black graphic designers who paved the way for Black designers of today

They were trailblazers. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Let’s stop talking about Product and start talking about Service Design?

We are 20 years into the 21st century already, but it seems that the last century has not yet left us. And I’m not talking about the fashion of always reliving some past decade to launch “aesthetic and artistic reinterpretations”. I’m talking about the fear of the unknown, about the world where we w..

How to make sure your audience understands your visualization

User test to see if your message is understood Continue reading on UX Collective »