Design critiques, now

I have personally done some of my best work as part of a design culture in which viewpoints are freely exchanged and argued upon. I started thinking about the importance of such a design culture and drafted out guidelines for the remote working environment due to a worldwide pandemic.My main takeawa..

Managing ideas at scale

Idea management is an essential innovation process — especially in large, complex organizations. This post presents the key principles that enable companies to ideate and innovate at scale.Photo by Mika Baumeister on UnsplashTo streamline and accelerate innovation, companies need to integrate flexib..

Viewing patterns: The subconscious psychology of the eye

Source: studiokat on DribbbleUsers don’t read, instead, they scan.Everyone wants to save time, get things done right and fast. The average attention span of a user on a website is 8 seconds. Users want to skim through content quickly, with minimum friction, and minimum timed used. They scan through ..

A look at design handoffs

You have dreamed of this very moment. The time has come when all of your hard work, perhaps months of research, designing, stakeholder reviews, maybe some tears is finally being put into implementation. That beautiful moment every Designer waits for: Engineering Handoff. You think to yourself: “go m..

Reshaping Fashion

Exploring sustainability and up-cycling in fashion and design.Written by Craig Berry Designer & Writer Nike – Space Hippie ProductionA recent ‘trend’ in the fashion industry is big brands exploring sustainability in their product design and acknowledging and accepting responsibility for their carbon..

Why AI needs a semantic structure to ever get alive

Von Neumann’s haunting dreams of self-replicating machine Continue reading on UX Collective »

Why skipping the business need is never worth it

A plea for b2b product managers Continue reading on UX Collective »

How to build tech that does things differently

Data ethics principles and processes are useful, but they are often of limited use when it comes to addressing the social and environmental harms of the data economy. This post is about using creative R&D to build data technologies that embed a different set of values from the ground up, balancing e..

A hill to die on

When do we stand up in a design review, present our case, and say “this is a hill I’m willing to die on”?Photo by Mike Erskine on UnsplashI love to talk about designing with constraints. So much of the life of a UX professional is evaluating and compromising technical limitations, time limitations, ..

Product managers as amplifiers

I often say that being a PM is like having superpowers. You are constantly learning new things given the problem space you are working in. You have privileged access to all areas of your company and the most relevant discussions about your product and company’s future. But this kind of superpower co..