Top vs side navigation: Which one is better for your product?

Today we compare them to see who will pack more punches.What does the research say?When choosing a navigation layout for your app usually you will need to define the position of primary, secondary, and tertiary navigation hierarchy. A research study “A comparison of three-level menu navigation struc..

The curated list of 25 amazing fonts for 2021

The search for a perfect font ends here. Serifs, sans-serifs and more! Continue reading on UX Collective »

How to handle UI scaling in games

Supporting different screen resolutions and accessibility feature Continue reading on UX Collective »

How to create buyer personas with people who don’t use your product yet

Segmenting your audience with data over assumptions Continue reading on UX Collective »

When Mies designed a drive-in

Fast food never had it so good. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Good design is science, not art

Although it probably helps to be a little artistic.NOTE: This article is for novice designers who want to improve their skills and grow their client base. This article is not meant to disparage art or artists in the slightest. I bear the utmost respect for artists of all kind and couldn’t fathom the..

Where UX writing and content strategy meet

Every digital communications expert should excel at 3 skills to navigate changing roles. It only takes a little adapting to make the most of them in each scenario.After five and a half years in a Senior UX Writing role, I moved to a content strategy position within the same E-business area. My daily..