How user stories destroy designers’ creativity and how you can fix them

If you want to design disruptive products, you must abandon standard storiesAs a UX Tutor, I review hundreds of user stories from aspiring designers striving to address their personas’ needs — although they accidentally do exactly the opposite. That’s because user stories focus on features rather th..

More psychological principles for product designers

Source: Kristina Ooo on DribbbleIn our eternal search for more psychological rudiments to keep in mind while designing your products, we came across these few golden rules that can help you on your way to designing a meaningful product. Check them out: (Also, check out the first part of this piece, ..

Is service design the new change management?

Organizational change can be compared to product change. It is also a design process. How a change is introduced to users (customers or… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Bringing the Avant-garde to digital experiences

When the average definition of an idea starts with “the Airbnb of X” or “think about it as the Uber of Y” it’s time to change our mindset Continue reading on UX Collective »

How much research does your project need?

A framework for successful stakeholder engagement Continue reading on UX Collective »

How to make the best product decisions based on thousands of user inputs

TL;DRManaging incoming feature requests and other insights is hardStructuring this data the right way helps you utilize this valuable informationNot every structure works, you have to focus on the problems instead of the solutionsIt’s rewarding because it will help you plan the product roadmap and f..

Digital design for the ‘in-between’

The future of Aldo van Eyck’s revolutionary thinking?Aldo van Eyck’s climbing dome and floating modal (image by author).⁶Having recently moved to Amsterdam, one of the aspects of the city that has stood out the most for me is not the canals, red light district or even the masses of weed dispensaries..

User Experience is… inspecting and adapting both UX and Agile

No one really does true scrum, instead most people do ‘scrum and …’ or ‘scrum but …’ Continue reading on UX Collective »

Why 2020 was the year of data viz

The biggest design trend from last year made visualizing data a mainstream thing Continue reading on UX Collective »

What can designers learn from NFTs?

Lessons from their explosive growth. Continue reading on UX Collective »