Bringing self-compassion into product management

Encouragement to shift your perception of what ‘high performing’ looks like Continue reading on UX Collective »

Subtraction in design, NFT fanatics, headless UI, and more links this week

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.Generally speaking, people don’t get paid for removing features. They don’t get applause for eliminating jobs. And they rarely get promoted for telling their bosses they’ve been wasting their money. Much safer to propose something new, whi..

Never speak for free at conferences organized by for-profit companies.

Charge your full price. — 100 design lessons for 2021 Never speak for free at conferences organized by for-profit companies. was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

The A to Z of UX — H is for Heuristics: 9 steps to carry out...

Heuristics are a well established and accepted list of UX principles used to assess how well a user interface has been designed for its… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Why icons alone won’t save your navigation

Photo by Brett Jordan on UnsplashThis article was inspired by a conversation I had with Ryan Warrender on our Podcast Design Huddle. There is also the old joke of a kid seeing a floppy disk for the first time and asking his Dad why he has a 3D printed version of the save icon. Well a while back when..

The existential designer

How designers can use philosophical thinking to create meaning in a meaningless world. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Tell me when to use it

“Here’s our cool new audio tagging AI thingy. It identifies and labels sounds in real-time without an internet connection.”“Wow, cool, neat!”…then they proceed to never use it. Telling me when to use something is a growth hack. It helps shape a future situation into an organic reminder. “Here’s our ..

Interfaces in the 80s: Creating GUIs before it was cool

Exploring an interface design tool from the late 1980s which silently revolutionized the industry forever since.Recently I was going through some early implementations of current operating systems to familiarize myself with the evolution of GUI mechanics over time. One particular thing that caught m..

UX lessons from car gear stick designs

Habits and their role in design.In the world of new technologies and the user experience designed around them, we are often stuck within the thought of “newer is always better!” We soon find that this isn’t always the case, complaining that it’s hard to use, or not as good as we thought. But why so?..

Rainbow poop and the curious UX strategy of (some) Youtube ads

YouTube ads are one of the most successful advertising systems in history. In Q4 2020 it brought in $6.9 billion for Google so they’re clearly doing something right. When I worked in advertising, YouTube was almost a default part of nearly every media plan I saw for my two main clients (Hershey and ..