How to set up a writing practice for your design team

Even if you don’t have any writers.icons8To design products, you have to write. But I’m not here to convince you. The remaining skeptics shuttered their windows after Intercom’s Senior Group Design Manager Jonathon Colman published a study showing how the world’s most popular apps dedicate over a th..

Waterfall design isn’t dead, just having an identity crisis

There is a place where waterfall design belongs; And without it we’ll never keep up with rapid sprint cycles. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Detach yourself from your work to receive criticism

You put the work in. Your expectation is praise and acceptance. The reality isn’t always as glorious. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Digital design for the ‘in-between’

The future of Aldo van Eyck’s revolutionary thinking?Aldo van Eyck’s climbing dome and floating modal (image by author).⁶Having recently moved to Amsterdam, one of the aspects of the city that has stood out the most for me is not the canals, red light district or even the masses of weed dispensaries..

Advantages of doing design research in a foreign language

Being faced with the challenge of doing research in a foreign language is scary. A few years ago, I moved to Germany with no knowledge of German. It was a daunting move as a researcher; my skill set as a researcher depended greatly on language. Knowing how to frame and ask a question to reduce bias,..

Portugal by Sebastião Rodrigues’ pencil

A journey that merges with the country’s history© Tamanna RumeeThe recent history of design in Portugal in general and graphic design, in particular, is certainly still to be written. In other words, it is a story that is written every day, thanks to the work, often in difficult contexts, of thousan..

Finding a technical cofounder

Coding skills aren’t as important as you think Continue reading on UX Collective »

What really kills critical thinking

+ tips to deal with the killers Continue reading on UX Collective »

The skills of a UX designer in 2088

Let’s talk about the future of design?© Hunter HaleyNot infrequently, in this or that debate or article, we have witnessed the exercise of trying to imagine what the digital industry will look like in the future and more specifically what should be the skills of designers, be it UX or any other disc..

Signal app: a UX analysis

I spent a week on Signal to understand what lies behind the hype.Understanding what lies behind the hypeThis post focusses on the user experience on Signal and not on Whatsapp’s updated privacy policy.It’s hard to compete with headlines of Trump becoming the only president in US history to get impea..