How to maintain quality with a UX checklist

If you were to buy a car tomorrow, which makes would you consider? Assuming that you had a sensible budget (no supercars I’m afraid) would you consider a Ford, a BMW, a Tesla, a GM, an Audi, a Jaguar, a Toyota perhaps? Of the countless makes that you could choose, there is a pretty good change that ..

One Figma component — 3,360 Variants

One Figma component — 3,360 VariantsOne component to rule them all.In my work as a UX Lead at REI, I frequently contribute to our design system, Cedar. Most recently, I’ve been focusing on improving the accessibility of our form elements. It turned out that these UI components posed the perfect oppo..

Using treemaps to understand hierarchical data

How to make sense of a complex visualization technique Continue reading on UX Collective »

The anatomy of a design trend

A discussion of the theory of design trends with sample trends in Industrial Design, Interface Design, and User Experience.Fig. 4: the design trend map: micro design trends in user experience, visual design and industrial design (this version created in April, 2021)Key Insights: (1) Design trends ca..

When capitalism gives you blisters

Where shareholders are users, the corporation a product: a brief tale of the education of a corporate designer. Continue reading on UX Collective »

UX Trends 2020: A retrospective

The best UX trends speed up interactions, improve usability, and reduce friction. 2020 has reinforced some trends from the previous year, including AI-assisted voice interactions, hyper-personalization, and hand-drawn content; and produced a handful of new UX trends that will endure through the comi..

Creating a space for authentic connections within your design team

Reflections on navigating 2020, and tools & techniques that have helped us intentionally design authentic virtual team connection. Continue reading on UX Collective »

5 reasons why you SHOULD NOT have business logic in your UI layers (Angular/WPF)...

What opportunities are you ignoring by building thick UI clients, heavy on business logic, especially for internal products? Continue reading on UX Collective »

Why product thinking is still missing in journalism

If you want to be successful in the media industry, you cannot avoid the connection between journalism, technology, business and usage… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Habits I gave up in my 21,000-hour design journey

It’s not about taking more work, it’s about quitting bad habits. Continue reading on UX Collective »