How to write inclusive, accessible digital products

Good UX writing invites everyone to use the interface.There’s one piece of writing advice I give to everyone: Read your writing out loud. Yes, out loud. Not out loud in your head. Out loud out loud. Move your mouth. Make sound. Listen to your sentences. It’s a simple technique, but it works. Listeni..

The Ikea effect: accepting change by creating it

In our drive for efficiency and effectiveness, we tend to present finished solutions and ready-made decisions to employees. However… Continue reading on UX Collective »

A deep dive into those dots on Jira Kanban cards

Is there a pattern to the madness? Continue reading on UX Collective »

The immortality of typefaces

And why there is no need for continuing to creare typefaces again and again. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The “thumb-driven design” and why UI is shifting down

Phone screens are getting bigger, and user interfaces are moving. Continue reading on UX Collective »

UX Psychology #3: how Tesler’s Law makes your designs fail

Every UX has an amount of complexity you cannot play withPeople hate redesigns. Unless the original work is terribad, chances are the new version will be stomped even if it’s remarkably better. Snapchat learned it the hard way back in 2018 after a major redesign that burned 35% of their revenue. Alt..

The Dark UX patterns targeting children

And how in-app advertising proliferated during the pandemic Continue reading on UX Collective »

How to use clone characters to design better experiences for your users

Clone characters are used in storytelling to reflect aspects of the main characters back at themselves. Here’s how you can use the same… Continue reading on UX Collective »

I don’t know anyone using InVision Studio, and that’s too bad

The more you hype your product, the more people expect. Continue reading on UX Collective »

User Experience is… inspecting and adapting both UX and Agile

No one really does true scrum, instead most people do ‘scrum and …’ or ‘scrum but …’ Continue reading on UX Collective »