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Palm OS — How does it look today?

The first Palm PDA was introduced in 1996 and it was a huge success. How did Palm OS really work? Let's test it and figure it out. Continue reading on UX Collective »

The UI & UX tips collection — Volume two

A collection of 18 tips to help improve your designs. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Why would we care about user onboarding?

Photo by Uri Paz on UnsplashWhy would we care about onboarding? Shouldn’t we just create a user registration form to get someone signed up and dump them into the middle of our product as quickly as possible? Changes are you won’t have much success retaining such users. You’ve spent a bunch of time, ..

Applying the Panofsky method to your own design

If you are unfamiliar with the Panofsky method it comes from Erwin Panofsky, a German art historian who in 1932 looked into the study of… Continue reading on UX Collective »

3,360 Figma variants, is graphic design too trendy, is Framer still alive?

Weekly curated resources for designers who are thinkers as much as they’re makers. Brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective.Before the introduction of Variants, it was cumbersome to navigate a Figma asset library for components with multiple states or characteristics. More painful still w..

What 21st-century design looks like

Don Norman and decolonial design.iMattSmart @UnsplashBack in October 2020 I had the pleasure to attend Don Norman’s Master Class transmitted by Interaction Design Foundation in which he presented the challenges to the discipline of Design and to all designers in the 21st century. To help me grasp a ..

Damn, they don’t make ’em like this anymore

A westian take on the state of American places. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Stepping out of disorder

Our attitude to complexity is what determines our autonomy. Continue reading on UX Collective »

Running a remote Proto Persona definition workshop

When I first stumbled upon the four-hour product definition workshop by Eric Johnson, I was thrilled. Most workshop guides get stuck with… Continue reading on UX Collective »

Logic in UX goes beyond fancy concepts or frameworks

Beyond fancy concepts, frameworks, and names, the UX relies on an essential human input: experience and Logic usageMany companies are pivoting into a digital transformation; this supposes many job changes, mindsets, and new workflows. In Colombia, these changes often create more intrigue in co-worke..